Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Reduce Your Life!

There is a reason why you are here on planet Earth. That reason is your purpose. That purpose is God's will. Only God knows why you're here. No one else on this planet can tell you why you are here, the reason for your existence. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans not to harm you, but to prosper you that you might have hope and a future."

When you don't know your purpose, your life is an experiment. When you don't know your purpose, you waste your time, resources, strength, talents... your life. Purpose is what gets you up every morning - including Mondays. Purpose is the "why" of your life. Until you know your purpose, nothing makes sense. Purpose is what gives meaning even to your suffering, difficulties, sorrows, pain, and hardships. Purpose makes you go one more step after a failure, and way beyond your last victory.

The richest places on the face of the planet are not the diamond mines of Africa, the jungles of the Amazon, or the gold mines of Africa. There is a rich place not far from where you live. It's the cemetery. The cemeteries of the world contain books that have not been written, songs that have not been composed, paintings that have not been painted, plays that have not been acted out, sermons that have not been preached. These are still in the people that were buried there. They never expressed them. And so these were buried with them. The saddest thing in life is not death, but a life without purpose.

Can you reduce your life to one sentence? What is the reason for your being here? Until you can answer that question in one sentence, your life isn't focused, your mission isn't clear, your purpose is vague, your direction is foggy. You will be plagued with boredom, insignificance, and fear. Think about it. Why are you here?

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