Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Democratic Flow (Flaw) of the Church

One of the biggest problems of the Church today, whether of modern- or post-modern paradigms, is her democratic bias. Whether we like it or not, our theology has been shaped by and large by Western minds. This has to some extent been disadvantageous to the third world countries. About two centuries ago, the United States became a democratic nation. Those familiar with this great nation's history know that her forefathers fled Great Britain to escape religious persecution. It was in the New World that they forged a nation which will very soon become the "land of the free and the home of the brave." Whether deliberately or as a matter of evolution, even her religion, Christianity, evolved into a something that destabilized its very underpinnings. It was at the birth of denominations that this democratic bias finally took firm hold of Christianity.

In the people's desire to "manage" Church, Inc., they naturally embraced democracy as a form of government and ecclesiastical political structure. But is this wrong? Isn't democracy better than socialism or communiism or even parliamentarism in the church? Some have even gone so far as to even make a CEO of the pastor. A travesty, in my estimation.

God is a King, not a president, prime minister, or dictator. A king rules a kingdom. A monarchy is diametrically different from other forms of political rule. Until the people of God learn how to operate in the Kingdom of God, we will, at best, come up with good ideas on morality, but always stumble and fall short of the precepts of God. Many thrid world nations have a better grasp of moanrchies than many Western first world nations.

My next few blogs will further explain my point.

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