Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Who is really worse off, RP or US?

It is with much shame that I read the headlines of one of the major dailies today: "US: RP worse off under Noli" (PDI, 092105) I can only agree with this. This has been my position from Day 1. But, as everybody knows, the elections were rigged, and the outcome is as it is. The forces that be think only of themselves and not what is truly best for the nation. This is a travesty and a mockery of the democratic system. Alas, what can I say?

Another front page article betrays the juvenile ways of our Veep when he said: "I don't remember his face" concerning US Embassy Charge d'Affairs Joseph Mussomeli. This is not the way the second highest government official should talk about anyone, especially someone in the foreign dilpomatic corps.

However, lest this become a veep-bashing blog, I feel I also the need to revise the daily's headline to: RP: US worse off under Noli. No reflection on my American friends, but the US is not so much concerned about RP affairs as it is its own. The US has consistently bullied, harassed, manipulated, and controlled govenrments and nations for its selfish ends - case in point, Iraq. Once again the US is applying pressure on the Palace to "set things right." But my jaded question on the matter is, set things right for whom? I realize that the US is not ready to relinquish its strangle hold on Philippine affaris until we have been sufficiently raped and pillaged - in a respectable and diplomatic way, of course. And what is the Philippines doing about this? Lifting up her skirt. Ouch, that smarts!

This begs the question: Although I agree with US sentiments about VP de Castro, should we then shut down the impeachment process or stage a worn-out, no-longer-popular coup, or worse, EDSA 3? Heaven forbid! We can't afford being the laughing stock of Asia anymore! We should let the democratic process take its course. Let the chips fall where they may. And if GMA is ousted, then we deal with the de Castro constitutionally. But we cannot allow our fear of the Veep's ineptitude keep us from doing what is right. After all, we have, since Marcos' time, allowed our political system and electoral process to be as it is. We have only ourselves to blame. Wake up, Philippines, and smell the coffee!

May the Lord have mercy on us all. And may we have the couraage to do what is right - especially so when what is right is also unpopular.

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