Sunday, August 28, 2005


One of the artists in church got a little creative and made a play on our existing logo. I thought it was really nice so I decided to post it here for you guys to see. You'll probably be seeing more of this as we make more for the various ministries of the church.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Of Civil and Spiritual Disobedience

From the birth of the Church to the present, it seems as though we haven't learned our lesson. It is true that when we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat needless mistakes. It is appalling to witness the atrocities and folly done all in the name of God. Once again we are witness to such frivolity and drivel, the mantras of "Gloria resign" that are being thoughlessly chanted in the streets. (This is no indication as to whether I favor President Gloria Arroyo's performance or not.) Once again I aim my disappointments at Christians.

Although I respect the opinions of others vis a vis their position on whether the President should resign or stay in power, I am also not blind to the scandal that is presently hovering over the President and her relatives. Needless to say, this needs to be addressed at the soonest possible time. Trial by media is clearly not the biblical nor democratic procedure for such matters. The President, for her sake and the country's, must face the allegations of fraud and corruption head on with swiftness. The other alternative is resignation.

However, what I find alarming is how Christians publicly cry for the President's resignation. I recall David of Holy Writ, in the presence of then King Saul, wicked to be sure, stayed his hand of execution nonetheless on not one but two ocassions.
Despite repeated encouragements from his servant that this was indeed a God-given opportunity to oust a wicked and corrupt king, David simply replied, "I will not touch the anointed of the Lord." He was so convicted by God when he but snipped a piece of the monarch's clothing while the latter lay asleep. If God dealt with David such how can we, even in our wildest imaginations, condone "Christian" protests (if there can even be such a thing)? How can the church leaders, both Protestant and Catholic, justify deviating from the Word of God and still think their actions righteous? Has the Church lost the ability to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world? Must the Church utilize worldly means to effect spiritual change? Has the Church forgotten that Christ commands that we not conform to the patterns and customs of this world? Has she lost her ability to win her battles on bended knees?

I am aware that faith without its corresponding action is dead. But we also need to be aware that carnality is not a reasonable course of action to one's faith. One Christian leader once declared that "in the absence of revelation, common sense will do." It is precisely this paradigm that has plunged ancient Israel into trouble and eventual captivity. Must we await the same fate before we rouse ourselves from our spiritual stupor?

I am left with only two possible options to rationalize some of our brethren's actions. The first is outright rebellion. The Bible condemns rebellion of any kind. It calls for a humble submission to the king of the land and to continually lift him (or her) up in prayer that there may be peace in the land, for ALL authority is established of God. The other alternative is deception through ignorance of the Word of God. Frankly, I don't know which is worse. God's people perish for lack of knowledge.

What then are our options? Do we cry for the ouster of our spiritual leaders? Heavens, no! We would be just as guilty as they. The only Scriptural response is to fall on our knees and cry out to God for mercy. Let God be the one to deal with our leaders. It is not for us to take action against them. Let us not make the mistake of touching the anointed of the Lord. If God cannot deal with them, then perhaps we are serving the wrong God. I am calling the Church to an unconditional but sober (not blind) submission to our leaders - spiritual and political.

Do I sound like I'm contradicting myself? I hope not. I only wish to bring to light some actions which I believe are not congruent with the Holy Scriptures. May the Lord have mercy on us all.

Monday, August 08, 2005

New WLCM Logo Launched

Last July 31 the Words of Life Christian Ministries celebrated its third anniversary. Prior to that, we held a month-long logo design contest. There were over sixty very well-designed entries that made it extremely difficult to pick the one that would represent the ministry. After much time and sorting, we finally narrowed it down to the one that we felt depicted the spirit of WLCM.

On the right you will see the logo that was chosen. It shows a fusion of both the coroprate and church worlds. We are called to be the salt of the earth and the light of this world. Hence, although in it, we are not of this world. We are a disctinct entity not entirely human for we contain the very DNA of God. We are ambassadors of Jesus Christ and our citizenship is in heaven. We are called to make a difference in this world and with the help of God, make this a better place to live in.

May the Lord bless us all. Shalom!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Eradicating Poverty

There are a few things I am really passionate about. One of them is about eradicating poverty in the Philippines. Although a tall order, I believe it is doable. Towards this, I conduct a seminar entitled "Principles of Financial Increase". In it I systematically show how simple it is to become wealthy. Every believer has been (and I stress HAS BEEN) equipped by God to succeed financially.

There are three inadvertent effects this nine-hour seminar will have on you before it concludes - assuming you do agreee with the principles taught. First, you will become extremely wealthy. Second, you will literally become recession-proof. And third, you will become a money-magnet. Sounds incredible? It's true. The principles presented here are proven. They work all the time, anywhere, regardless of your financial status or the health of your national economy. These principles will work for you whether you liave in Asia, Europe, Africa, or the US. Someone once differentiated a good economy from a bad one. In a good economy a lot of people make money. In a bad one, a few make money. The point being that there are those who will be making a profit regardless of market conditions. I am aware that there are many who teach the "Prosperity Gospel" which is in reality no gospel. This biblical teaching has been abused, misused, misunderstood, and therefore misapplied. And this has produced greed in the believer instead of a greater commitment to the Lord.

In the movie Coach Carter, Timo Cruz, one of the student athletes, was repeatedly asked by Coach Ken Carter, "What is your deepest fear?" One day he presents a stunning and powerful answer that starts out with. "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." WOW! I cannot agree more. Unfortunately, so few know this. Our identity crisis keeps us from exploring our true potential. This traps us in the vise grip of mediocrity. We become Joe Average. This is a travesty and waste of one's God-given gifts and talents. If you are a born again, blood-washed child of God, you have been given an anointing for wealth. You are anointed for wealth and you have the capacity to become wealthy beyond your present imagination.

In this seminar you will also learn the primary purpose of wealth. Not committing to this purpose forfeits anyone from possessing this abundance. There is much that can be done when wealth is plentiful. I believe the biggest problem of the /chruch today is an identity crisis. We have forgotten who we are and whose we are. Poverty is a fruit of that problem. This seminar attempts to rectify that.

If you are interested in this semianr in your area, post a comment and I will get back to you at the soonest possible time. Remember this: It's not your fault if you are born poor. But with all that the Lord Jesus has equipped us, it's your fault if you die poor.